(You can rebind keys by clicking on the "controller" icon at the bottom of the game)
Pokemon Ruby
Developer: Game Freak - 1 249 870 playsA new epic saga awaits in this Ruby version of Pokemon, an adaptation that sticks closely to the Gameboy Advance instalment that came out in 2003. This game lets you explore the huge region of Hoenn, looking for more than 200 Pokémon to catch and collect. You’re free to roam over this vast land as you search for 8 badges and defeat the Elite Four in your quest for glorious victory. Many a trainer will challenge you to some extremely tricky tactical battles.

BRO I disconnected and lost ALL my progress. I'm probally never going to play it again
1 week ago -
vapor_7221 don't restart or clear cache press z and go down with arrow keys and press z to save
1 month ago -
actually shinies arent in pokemon red,firered there were several shinies i think shinies aere just always there
2 months ago -
Btw before you leave there is an option next to controls and pause its called save and it will let you get a download and save the game .
6 months ago -
a lot of people is saying its impossible to beat brock but I beat him because I used the paralyzed thing
7 months ago -
- <1 2 3 4… 14 >
i forgot to save my badges went to 6 to 2
1 week ago -