(You can rebind keys by clicking on the "controller" icon at the bottom of the game)
Pokemon LeafGreen
Developer: Game Freak - 681 463 playsPut your trainer’s hat back on in one of the latest Pokémon versions to come out on the Gameboy Advance. Is it LemonYellow? Is it RedTomato? No! It’s Pokemon Leaf Green that’s here to enrich the saga. This remake of one of the very first episodes, Pokemon Blue that was released on the Gameboy in 1999, takes you back hunting in the region of Kanto, but includes an additional 9 brand new islands. Collect 200 Pokemon during your great adventure, as you fill in your Pokedex.

@julian2012 Pokémon Fire Red and Leaf Green have very few differences. The main difference is the availability of wild Pokémon. leafgreen exclusive Pokemon are Ninetales Bellsprout Weepinbell Victreebel while Firered exclusive are Ekans and Arbok. Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume, and Bellossom. Psyduck and Golduck. Growlithe and Arcanine. Shellder and Cloyster. Elekid and Electabuzz.Scyther and Scizor.Wooper and Quagsire.
1 week ago -
I don't understand the difrence between FireRed between LeafGreen. Someone please tell me.
1 week ago -
Nice game! bulbasaur is the best to the game because its strong against brock and misty it also it has a great resistance to lt surge and erika and koga!!
2 months ago -
heres how to not get your data reset: click the manage save option, and download your save. also clearing cookies and website data deletes your progress
3 months ago -
Played this during school while I was bored during 2021, now (2024) imported the save to my 3DS and beat the Elite Four. My team : JANK The Blastoise, Royal The Nidoqueen, CANDY The Pidgeot, Watt The Jolteon, Drawk The Dragonite, and Pearl The Lapras. Still wanna do so much more with this save file especially knowing I have the ability to transfer these Pokemon up to Pokemon HOME.
3 months ago -
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@Julian2012 Pokémon FR & LG also have different sets of pokémon in some battles, like in the Elite Four and your last battle with your rival.
3 hours ago -