(You can rebind keys by clicking on the "controller" icon at the bottom of the game)
Pokemon Emerald
Developer: Game Freak - 1 863 963 playsCatch them all, they said! After having fought long and hard in the previous episode, Pokemon is back with its Emerald version, introducing a whole new, immense adventure with even more little beasts to catch and add to your collection. This game is adapted from the Gameboy Advance version that came out in 2005. With a huge realm to explore and countless mascots to catch, Pokemon Emerald guarantees hours of fun.

This game is fun my team isnt fully evolved but its Groyvle , Swellow , Linoone , Magneton , Breloom , Torkoal
3 months ago -
anyone know why all my hours reseted and my game didn't save endo I had 15 hours saved already
4 months ago -
I mean its fun, but this is not Pokemon Emerald.... Or at least the real one because in the real pokemon emerald your house is on the bottom right...
4 months ago -
- <1 2 3 4… 29 >
SliverShard where r u now
6 hours ago -