Babel Tower
Developer: Airapport - 84 450 playsAccording to legend, the Babel Tower was built by men in order to reach the sky! In the Idle game Babel Tower, it will be up to you to collect all the materials needed for the construction of this giant building. Collect stone, transform it into brick, collect wood and make planks, then deliver it all to the builder who will assemble all the materials to gradually build each floor of the tower. You will be able to automate gathering and production by selling resources at the market and purchase upgrades. It will also be possible to completely destroy your tower with lightning, depending on its height this will give you gold bricks which will improve your production but also science which will allow you to buy powerful artefacts and thus be able to build faster. Completing the construction of the tower will be a long-term task that will require a lot of effort!

cool game if it worked its just a black screen edit: I don't remember writing this 5 days ago, but i guess I did. edit 2: yep still black screen
1 year ago -
Refer to my last comment or keep grinding more science for the golden trowel.
1 year ago -
Getting more and more science gets long really fast, making fast forward more important. Keep buying time and science bonuses and go AFK for a few hours. Repeat these steps until you get the clock. The clock can make things move faster, making fast forward more and more effective (the game will eventually run fast forward without the powerup itself)
1 year ago -
The science lab goes along with Galileo, therefore you can unlock them at floor 11 all at once.
1 year ago -
First, play the game the way you normally do. once you have 2 or 3 floors completed already on startup, keep resetting without buying anything. Then repeat. you can do this as much as your heart desires, therefore, if you wanted 10k you can just work for it. (Once you get the science lab, part of everything will be saved, making recovery much easier and faster. Once you reach there, you must let the game run itself to get more science and to get 2x construction) (uuhhhh. It seems I finished the game. At a certain point, you will see a message telling you to submit your score, meaning you are done with the game)
1 year ago -
I already finished the game in just 2 days! Reason why is once you get 200 gold bricks or 2 floors prepared by the gold bricks, you can make infinite amounts of gold bricks depending of how willing you are to collect them. Edit: THIS BUFFS SPEED OF ELEPHANTS HELLO???? Followup Edit: OMFG!!! HELICOPTER + INFINITE GOLD BRICK EXPLOIT= BIG MONEY BOOST OMFG!!!
1 year ago -
- <1 2 >
noooooooooooooooo id dont work
9 months ago -